總體滿意度: 100% 已有51人評分(滿分100%)
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Mr. * (2017年05月25日) 滿意度: 100 %
Evaluation Survey on The Tour guide Alan Jing We are a small group that join the six day East Coast tour from May 20 to May 25,2017. Alan is a good professional tour guide, and he showed helpful to all visitors. As we all English- speaking, he tried to in be-punctual-myself I know more interesting things about different historical landmarks. I wish him to improve his career and should deceive more succeeds. Mr. KIMDO
Group *** (2017年05月25日) 滿意度: 100 %
The trip was a fantastic one,we were able to visit many famous attractions and different states. Mr. Ray was a friendly,dedicated,and knowledgable tour guide.We were totally satisfied with his service and the bus driver. We would like to say thank you to Mr. Ray and the bus driver for providing us wonderful trip. We are looking forward to meeting you again in the future. Sincerely, Group 12
5組 * (2017年05月21日) 滿意度: 100 %
六天的美國東部旅遊接近尾聲,輕鬆愉悅伴隨整個行程。 首先導遊李健斌是一位神采有點像劉燁的胖胖小夥子,對行程整體的把握能力給我們留下深刻的印象。 他能根據天氣、交通路況、遊人情況等,靈活有效地安排時間。例如,在到達尼加拉大瀑布前,他了解到太多人排隊時間長,為節省時間,他即號召大家先排除,然後輪番上廁所,無形中提高了效率。同時整體流程安排也很流暢,並且服務態度好,雖然一開始警告大家不要遲到,否則自行打車,但每次他都耐心地等到所有人上車,並沒有真正發脾氣。所以大家也都挺配合,整體都非常愉快。他不僅有豐富的經驗,還很有條理,協調能力,令人安心、舒服。 唯一不足是對途經的州、城市介紹的不多,雖然很多內容從網上能搜尋到,但還是願意多聽導遊介紹,印象會更深刻。 其實景點安排比較經典,尤其壯觀的尼加拉大瀑布,令人震撼! 個別景點,時間安排不科學,例如無敵號航空母艦,時間不夠,大都會博物館也沒看上,但即使去了時間也肯定不夠,所以在有些景點的時間安排上還應斟酌。 最後兩頓有特色的飲食,一是自助餐,二是波士頓大龍蝦,也算給整個行程帶來了一些意外的驚喜,滿足了中國胃的需求。 非常感謝小李導遊及蔣司機。 5組 WP 2017.5.21
Mr M * (2017年05月20日) 滿意度: 100 %
I going with tour guide Alan Jing 6 day, I very happy. His service very good, I very happy! Thanks! Mr. MANOON & DARUNEE
山西 * (2017年05月18日) 滿意度: 100 %
小翁的導遊服務稱得上一流,讓我們的心像他準備的白開水一樣溫暖滾燙!謝謝! 山西一家人 沈先生 2017.5.18