總體滿意度: 100% 已有51人評分(滿分100%)
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5組 * (2017年07月22日) 滿意度: 100 %
Sam工作認真,對待客人負責、講解到位,語言生動幽默,與客人相處融洽,對待每個人都公平,照顧了每個人的情緒,讓人們都安心放心。而且Sam很熱情,對我們吃、住、遊、樂都盡心盡力,將行程也安排得很合理。他在整個旅遊服務中,為貴公司樹立的良好的形象。此次旅遊我們很滿意。這會是一次難忘而珍貴的旅遊經歷。在此,向Sam真誠的付出表示感謝。下次出行我們仍會選擇貴公司。 5組 8/22/2017
Team *** (2017年07月13日) 滿意度: 100 %
Dear Wyne, Thank you so much for being as a really resbonsible tour guide during these six days.However,there are some things I would like to complain.First,every night,when we got into the room,there were no toothbrushes.We had to go back to the frontdesk to ask for some.Second,the hotels,especially for last night ,were a little bit too far from markets,though we had passed some during the trip.Last but not less,it seems that we spent more than 55 percent tour time driving.Yes,I still want to thank you for your resbonsible attitude and lots of knowledges.As a student who lives in Taiwan,an Island which is lack of Interact with the world,this is the first time I tour to North America.Those tourist attractions I've saw on the textbooks and on TVs,really showed themselves in front of me.Thanks to Your knowledges,I can know more about their stories behind them. Thank you,may God bless with you. Best regards, Team 5 7/13/2017
七號 * (2017年07月13日) 滿意度: 100 %
感謝溫導Wayne一路上的耐心講解,細心照顧和關心幫助。在短短的六天時間內,能夠詳細領略美東的人文風光與秀美景色,既離不開大家的陪伴也少不了溫導的合理安排。如果有得選,這趟行程,我給六星! 我是七號組 7/13/2017
XinYa *** (2017年06月22日) 滿意度: 100 %
本次旅程導遊熱情,安排周到、合理,有耐心,為大家解說及時間分佈細緻。路上注意提醒大家時間、物品、家人,尤其對有小孩、老人的家庭格外關心照顧。 總之,是一次開心、滿意的旅程。謝謝旅行社及導遊! XinYan Zhou 2017.6.22
Lu *** (2017年06月01日) 滿意度: 100 %
我們是2號組的遊客,感謝Wayne細心、風趣的講解,和每天提供的熱水,讓我們大家即使在異國他鄉,也感受到無微不至的關懷與溫暖。 遊客:Lu