


Kandy Last Kings Capital and Pinnawala Orphanage Elephants Caring Point

$36.00 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Annapolis遊玩時間:14 小時


憑證:電子票退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    Early Arrivals Complimentary Airport pickups from airport to hotels within 15 km. All tour takes approximately 12 to 14 hours. Starting time 5.30am to 6.00am depends on your pickup location. On the way you will have complementary natural energetic drink (King Coconut) to boost your power, and proceed to elephant orphanage breakfast on the way or at Pinnawala while watching bathing elephants, depends on traffic condition of the roads because need to be at milk feeding point by 9.15 am. There after visiting Royal Botanical garden you will have 1 hour to walking around the garden. Afterwards we will enjoy our luch at recommended restaurants. And visit must visit temple in Sri Lanka Lord Buddha's sacret of tooth relic temple. And you will have a walk around Kandy Lake or optionally can go for a boat ride at Kandy Lake and a Shopping.
  • 行程概要


    Colombo International Airport / hotels in Colombo and Negombo City region


    From Colombo: 5 am Monday to friday / 5.30 am Saturday and Sunday