


Pindaya Full Day Return Trip with lunch

$70.78 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Kalaw遊玩時間:6 to 7 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    Start the day with a transfer to the Pindaya Caves, our destination in the hearth of the Danu Autonomous region inside Shan State. Our professional English Speaking guide will be please to talk about the stunning scenery is presented in front of you (Estimate time: 1.30 hours). We can check the blue lake nearby the city and hear about its legend. On arrival, if we are lucky enough and is market day, we will stop to have a look. Finally we will make it to Pindaya Cave entry, we will admire the big spider statue in the entry and we learn its relation with the name of this place. Inside the cave we will have the chance to see the more than 8000 images of Buddha, some of them more than 350 years old. After we get “lost” inside this sculpted natural labyrinth we will have a short stop in the pagoda nearby. The views of the praline from the top of the valley are also a good photo moment to carry with you. Take your time till you get hungry. After traditional lunch, going back to your hotel. After lunch, visit to the famous traditional