


Bizen Ware Pottery Lesson with a Craftsman in Okayama

$64.05 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Okayama遊玩時間:2 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 不能退改



Small group ensures personal service

Step back in time on a history tour

  • 產品詳情


    During this experience, you will enjoy making some Bizen ware in the town of Imbe, one of the most well-known places for pottery.
    Japan is known as a country that has many areas that are famous for their various pottery styles. The 6 oldest areas famous for pottery are called the Nihon Rokkoyo and known as representative of the pottery production areas.
    One of Nihon Rokkoyo is Bizen ware, and it is also called Imbe ware since the Imbe area is famous for producing Bizen ware.
    This will be a private lesson at a potter's studio. You will need to choose either the electric wheel or hand forming option and sketch a drawing of the idea you have for your creation. Afterward,