


Bridlington Birds of Prey and Animal Park

$7.91 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Yorkshire遊玩時間:4 to 6 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    Visit: Bridlington Birds of Prey & Animal Park, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, England

    At Bridlington Birds of Prey & Animal Park you will find our animals spread across 21 acres of natural habitat. Be prepared for all seasons as you venture round the park to see them, as you will journey through different habitat zones  from the parkland to the beautiful woodland area.
    See our majestic llama and alpaca munch on the leaves in our parkland area. Watch birds of prey and birds of the world free flying in our arena. See the raccoons in their woodland home. Experience what it’s like to hold a snake, lizard or a majestic owl.
    Many of our animals are endangered, and as a registered zoo it is our mission to help preserve our global wildlife heritage and protect animals from extinction.We rescue all our animals and birds and they all love lots of attention.