


Piran and Panoramic Slovenian Coast from Trieste

$57.47 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Trieste遊玩時間:5 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    This is a typical itinerary for this product

    Pass By: Trieste - centro

    Your guide will pick you up at the agreed starting point in Trieste - hotel, cruise terminal, train station etc. (please contact us after the booking so the appropriate arrangements can be made).

    Stop At: Piran Town Walls, Piran, Slovenian Istria, Slovenian Littoral Region

    Piran is one of the oldest and most beautiful Slovene towns with rich history and culture. Almost 500 years lasting Venetian influence has given this town an inimitable charm. Its culture heritage is not at home only in museums since the architectural and artistic pearls, which decorate the everyday life of the local people, can be found at every corner. Giuseppe Tartini, the world famous composer and violinist, who was born and raised in Piran, had a great impact on the town. Today, his bronze statue adorns the town’s main square together with Tartini’s house where visitors can admire one of his violins. The Tartini Square is surrounded by majestic buildings, such as the richly decorated Municipal Palace, Tartini Theatre, Maritime Museum, Aquarium, Marine Biological Station, Baroque House and Apollonio Palace. On the hill above the town is the biggest and most important church, the Church of Saint George, which offers a wonderful view. Piran’s town wall, narrow streets, fishermen’s nets, compact houses that rise up the slope and beautiful sea will give you the feeling of walking through a painting. On this panoramic trip along the Slovene coast you will also visit the coastal towns of Portoro~, Izola and Koper, where a tourist guide will tell you about the main attractions, historical facts and local tradition.

    Duration: 3 hours

    Pass By: Portoroz Beach, Portoroz, Slovenian Littoral Region

    Portoro~, which literally means 'Port of Roses', is a popular tourist destination with hotels, casinos and beautiful beaches. Nearby are located the Se ovlje natural salt pans where salts are extracted from the pure sea water using interesting traditional methods.

    Pass By: Turisticno informacijski center Izola, Izola, Slovenian Istria, Slovenian Littoral Region

    At the end, we will visit Izola, which is known for its fishing history.

    Pass By: Koper City Beach, Koper, Slovenian Istria, Slovenian Littoral Region

    Koper, an important European port and the largest city of the Slovene Coast.

  • 行程概要



    Traveler pickup is offered


    For Hotel Guests the departure time is flexible. Please contact us after the booking