


Private transfer from Naples to Sorrento with stop to taste the authentic Neapolitan Pizza

$45.98 起價說明 實時確認說明

此起價為根據基礎套餐裡的推薦出行人數核算而來,產品價格根據您所選的遊玩日期和出現人數及所選擇的門票類型的不同而有所變動。 預訂成功後,將實時為您確認訂單,您可登入會員中心檢視訂單狀態及電子票;部分特殊產品需要二次確認的,在您下單後客服會盡快為您確認訂單,請保持電話暢通。

城市:Positano遊玩時間:2 to 3 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    If you are arriving in Naples, you can't miss the chance to taste the local authentic Neapolitan Pizza!
    Our driver, after picking you up at the airport or train station, will take you to a very good pizza place depending on your preferences; he will drop you off right in front of the entrace, then he will take care of your luggage waiting in the car for all the time you will need. We recommend to spend about 1 hour to enjoy and taste the real Pizza made in Naples which has its origins way back in the eighteenth century: people of Naples started to combine a soft and elastic dough with local ingredients such as fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and extra-virgin olive oil.