


Small Group Shore Excursion from Port Arthur exploring the Tasman Peninsula

$72.87 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Port Arthur遊玩時間:3 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



Excellent value for money

Ideal choice for families

Small group ensures personal service

Fully narrated tour

Small-group tour by minibus

  • 產品詳情


    From the Port Arthur Visitor Centre, take a short drive to Maingon Point, where you can climb up and down 200 steps to see the natural wonder of the Remarkable Cave and view its layers of dolerite and sandstone, which form most of Tasmania's geology.
    Then continue along the circular route toward Saltwater River and visit the ruins of the oldest coal mine in Tasmania. You could spend hours walking among the ruins of this very interesting historic site.
    From here, the excursion takes the route through Doo Town, with its quaint and humorous house names, where you can view the Tasman Blowhole, the Devil's Kitchen, and the Tasman Arch. On the return to Port Arthur, a stop at the Tasmanian Devil Unzoo (own expense) to safely view