


Great Ocean Road Expedition

$72.14 起價說明 實時確認說明

此起價為根據基礎套餐裡的推薦出行人數核算而來,產品價格根據您所選的遊玩日期和出現人數及所選擇的門票類型的不同而有所變動。 預訂成功後,將實時為您確認訂單,您可登入會員中心檢視訂單狀態及電子票;部分特殊產品需要二次確認的,在您下單後客服會盡快為您確認訂單,請保持電話暢通。

城市:Melbourne遊玩時間:12 to 13 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 不能退改



  • 產品詳情


    Discover one of Australia’s most scenic coastal drives, the Great Ocean Road, on this tour. The region boasts powerful seas, golden beaches, harmonious townships, huge cliffs and lush forests.Enjoy stunning views of Melbourne's prestigious skyline as we travel over the West Gate Bridge. Ride in a comfortable coach along the stunning south-eastern coast and spot splendid landmarks and natural wonders .
    Take a break at Memorial Arch, the gateway to the Great Ocean Road. The arch was built in honour of the 3,000 returned soldiers who worked on the road and its creation during World War I. Stretch our legs at Apollo Bay, an iconic seaside resort town to have a relaxing lunch(at own expense) before we proceed to the Port Campbell National Parks.
    Get snap-happy at the famous Twelve Apostles—magnificent limestone stacks that rise up majestically on Victoria's dramatic coastline. As you walk along the boardwalk, have your camera ready and admire the breath-taking shoreline from the cliff top. Be dwarfed by the 70-metre high vertical cliffs and marvel at Gog and Magog, the nicknames given to the giant limestone stacks rising up out of the sea. Weather permitting, make your way down to the beach via the 86 steps that were carved into the face of the cliff by local settler Hugh Gibson, who worked on the route originally used by the Kirrae Whurrong people.
    We make our way to the Loch Ard Gorge enjoying this spectacular coastline, the rugged cliffs along the Great Ocean Road once made for perilous navigation for vessels sailing into the port of Melbourne. Walk along the pristine sands, stopping for a moment to appreciate the sun reflecting off the water and perhaps snap a picture. After an amazing journey, relax on your return to Melbourne.
  • 行程概要




    8:00 AM


    Same as departure point. 詳細的出發地點,時間請參考電子票(Voucher)中的詳細介紹


  • 預訂須知


    1. 訂購成功後,我們會通過E-Mail將[電子票(Voucher)]傳送到您的Email,您也可以登入會員中心,在訂單詳情中檢視[電子票(Voucher)]。 2. 請在旅行當日攜帶確認的?電子票(Voucher)?和有效身份證件到指定地點參加活動。 3. [電子票(voucher)]包含了產品使用方式、服務聯絡電話等重要資訊,請仔細閱讀。 4. 如預訂成功後,在48小時內沒有收到[電子票(voucher)]的郵件,請撥打電話聯絡我們的客服。




    Confirmation will be received within 48 hours of booking, subject to availability Not wheelchair accessible Our tours are conducted in modern air-conditioned vehicles combined with the latest technology to ensure your safety and comfort. Range in size from 13 - 44 seats). Enjoy the ease and comfort of traveling with a group that's sized perfectly. You'll have opportunities to soak up all of the highlights of your trip and get to know your fellow travelers. WHAT TIME SHALL I BE THERE? For all travellers, please arrive 20 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time for your tour. WHAT LANGUAGE IS USED FOR COMMENTARY? This is a bilingual tour. Our tour guides will provide brief commentary in English and Mandarin only. This tour/activity will have a maximum of 28 travelers
  • 費用說明


    INCLUSIONS Experienced Driver Guide (Chinese/English) Speaking National park fees Travel in an air-conditioned coach Entry/Admission - The Great Ocean Road




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