


Dolphins & Wildlife Kayak Tour

$71.50 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Gulf Shores遊玩時間:3 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



Close encounter with friendly dolphins

All necessary equipment included

Informative, friendly and professional guide

Perfect for all ages and skill level

  • 產品詳情


    Experience a dolphin encounter like none other - watch for and learn about Gulf Shores’ Bottlenose Dolphins in their natural environment from the intimate, unobtrusive, and non-threatening vantage point of a kayak while exploring optimal Bottlenose Dolphin habitat. Like all wild animals these dolphins can be elusive, but there is nothing like the thrill of seeing these magnificent creatures up close when they choose to show off. Either way, you will come away with an appreciation, understanding, and new found knowledge of dolphins as you learn about their life history, ecology, feeding behaviors, and communal nature.
    If your a birding enthusiast, we will also visit a portion of the Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge