


Expert Led Japanese Gardens Tour

$90.00 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Kyoto遊玩時間:3 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



Soak up the atmosphere on a walking tour

Step back in time on a history tour

Small-group tour

  • 產品詳情


    Garden and landscape design is an art form that has helped define the aesthetics of Japan for centuries. By knowingly shaping their gardens, both emperors and nobles have recreated miniature landscapes with a level of precision and idealization that has made garden design a staple of Japanese culture. With its high ratio of well-preserved temples, Kyoto has always been the perfect environment for seeing a wide variety of garden styles. During our three hour walking seminar we will focus on garden design during the Muromachi period, which saw a flourishing of Japanese culture, including the creation of Zen Buddhism.
    Our time begins at Kinkaku-ji, or the Golden Pavilion, situated in the north-west pocket of Kyoto. This Zen Buddhist temple began its life as a private villa in the 13th century. Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu purchased the land, transforming it into his home in the 14th century. Though the pavilion was burned down in 1950, the structure was subsequently rebuilt as a close copy of the original. Fortunately, the lush gardens have remained intact, allowing us to delve into villa garden design during the Muromachi period, which ran from approximately 1337 to 1573. The Mirror Pond, which reflect the pavilion and contains numerous man-made islands, will help us understand the use of water and stone in the environment. Aside from dissecting the various natural elements used to create the gardens, we will also discuss how these spaces were used, both for contemplation and entertainment, and how these uses changed as the space transformed from private villa to Buddhist temple.
    After a short trip on the local bus, we will arrive at two excellent examples of Zen rock gardens. The Karesansui Garden at Ryoan-ji is a prime example dry Zen gardens, giving great contrast to the water used at Kinkaku-ji. The stylized landscape created from gravel and rocks represents an alternate garden type from the Muromachi Period and exemplifies the type of design one finds at Zen Buddhist temples. The philosophy behind the Zen gardens and their connection to Zen Buddhist tenets provide a means for understanding how form and function are bound tightly together.
    Ninna-ji, our final stop, dates from the Heian period, giving us a means to compare earlier landscape design against the later Muromachi period. The covered walkways of the Goten, former residence of the head priest, were modeled on an Imperial style and feature painted sliding doors that mirror the surrounding landscape. Ninna-ji contains both dry gardens and gardens with water features, tying together the principles we have discussed during our seminar.
    At the end of our time together we will come away with a deeper understanding into how Japanese garden and landscape reflect a wider philosophy and culture. We will also gain insight into the renaissance that occurred during the Muromachi period and its role in pushed garden design to a new level.
  • 行程概要





    Returns to original departure point 詳細的出發地點,時間請參考電子票(Voucher)中的詳細介紹


  • 預訂須知


    1. 訂購成功後,我們會通過E-Mail將[電子票(Voucher)]傳送到您的Email,您也可以登入會員中心,在訂單詳情中檢視[電子票(Voucher)]。 2. 請在旅行當日攜帶確認的?電子票(Voucher)?和有效身份證件到指定地點參加活動。 3. [電子票(voucher)]包含了產品使用方式、服務聯絡電話等重要資訊,請仔細閱讀。 4. 如預訂成功後,在48小時內沒有收到[電子票(voucher)]的郵件,請撥打電話聯絡我們的客服。




    Confirmation will be received at time of booking Not wheelchair accessible Children 12 and younger are not permitted on group tours Tour operates rain or shine Please note, you may be asked to remove your shoes at some sites Near public transportation Travelers should have a moderate physical fitness level
  • 費用說明


    Small Group Guided Tour


    Admission Fees (approx. JPY 1400) Bus Pass (approx. JPY230) Gratuities


55分評價來自 3 位遊客
  • Jennygal (2018-04-11)5

    We thoroughly enjoyed an informative, thought-provoking tour with Gavin. Would definitely recommend if you are interested in an explanation of the interaction between Zen Buddhism and Japanese Garden design.

  • Dr. P (2016-05-04)4

    Wish Daikakuji temple was also included

  • Andrea T (2015-10-14)5

    Gavin was an excellent guide on this tour. We appreciated the custom tour that we received. Gavin answered our questions and generated very stimulating conversation!

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