


Full Day Tour to Iguazu Falls

$32.30 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Puerto Iguazu遊玩時間:9 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    This sub-tropical region shared by Argentina and Brazil covers an extensive area that starts in the North-east part of Argentina and ends in the Carnival capital of Rio de Janeiro. In this full day tour of Iguazu Falls, you'll find a multitude of activities such as:
    Upper Circuit: magnificent view of the waterfalls and access to the Iguazu River delta, made up of luxuriant vegetation islands.
    Time: 1h 15min. Difficulty: no stairs
    Lower Circuit: a series of catwalks strategically placed for visitors to get several views of the falls and to get close to the cascades and charming spots of the forest.
    Time: 2hrs Difficulty: stairs
    Devil's Throat: indescribable for its beauty and energy, it presents an overwhelming combination of sounds and surroundings.
    Time: 1h 30min. Difficulty: no stairs.
    Train of the Forest: a circuit of ecological trains running inside the forest and skirting the river that allows you to get around within the park and to access the footbridges to see the attractions.
    Please note: Tour includes Argentina side of the falls only.