


免排隊:聖馬可大教堂之旅 可參觀洗禮池和澤恩小禮拜堂

$22.75 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:威尼斯遊玩時間:60 分鐘


憑證:電子票退改政策: 可以退改



Skip the line

Small-group tour

Informative, friendly and professional guide

Led by a local guide

All entrance fees included

Multiple times offered throughout the day

  • 產品詳情


    Choose from different departure times and easily start your tour inside St. Mark’s Cathedral without queuing at the entrance. Your expert and professional guide will introduce you to the Basilica, making you feel privileged while seating in the centre of it, surrounded by its richness and history-soaked beauty.

    St. Mark’s Cathedral, located at the eastern end of St. Mark’s Square, is the most famous church in Venice and one of the best known examples of Italo-Byzantine architecture. This tour will make you experience an exclusive visit of this majestic basilica by accessing two hidden places usually not accessible to the public.

    The guide will begin this exclusive tour with an historical introduction and then will lead you to explore the Baptistery and the Zen Chapel, two less-known areas that are usually closed to visitors.

    The Baptistery consists of three rooms, fully adorned with glittering 14th-century mosaics. Here you will have the chance to admire the marvellous baptismal font, the gravestone of Jacopo Sansovino and the tomb of Andrea Dandolo (Venice’s last Doge buried in St Mark’s Cathedral), one of the most important examples of Gothic sculpture in Venice.

    The Zen Chapel, a significant example of the Renaissance art, was once the former entrance to the cathedral and then, in order to honor the Cardinal Zen, was converted into a chapel.

    At this point of the tour you’ll be eager to delve into the other invaluable treasures enshrined in the cathedral and your knowledgeable guide will lead you to discover the famous St. Mark’s Treasure. Located in two rooms inside a tower, it consists of 283 pieces, including Byzantine and Islamic art objects, brought to Venice after the plundering of Constantinople. The two rooms preserve a collection of old and precious relics: in the right-hand side room you can admire marvellous liturgical objects, mainly of Byzantine origins, while in the left-side room the guide will highlight the importance of St. Mark’s Cathedral remains, both from an artistic and religious point of view.

    After around one hour, you’ll finally come across the major altar of St. Mark’s Cathedral and the Golden Pall, considered one of the most valuable objects in the world, due to the preciousness of its materials.
  • 行程概要


    St. Mark's Square - Venice
    From April 1st to October 31st: in front of St Clemente's Door at St Mark’s Basilica
    From November 1st to March 31st: in the atrium on the right of the Basilica Central Entrance


    From April 1st to October 31st: 11am, 12.15pm, 2.45pm, 4pm From November 1st to March 31st: 10.30am, 11.45am


    Returns to original departure point 詳細的出發地點,時間請參考電子票(Voucher)中的詳細介紹


  • 預訂須知


    1. 訂購成功後,我們會通過E-Mail將[電子票(Voucher)]傳送到您的Email,您也可以登入會員中心,在訂單詳情中檢視[電子票(Voucher)]。 2. 請在旅行當日攜帶確認的?電子票(Voucher)?和有效身份證件到指定地點參加活動。 3. [電子票(voucher)]包含了產品使用方式、服務聯絡電話等重要資訊,請仔細閱讀。 4. 如預訂成功後,在48小時內沒有收到[電子票(voucher)]的郵件,請撥打電話聯絡我們的客服。




    Access to the Basilica is only permitted to visitors with suitable attire (no shorts or vest or tops) and backpacks are not allowed for safety reasons. At the end of the tour you can continue the visit inside St. Mark’s Basilica on your own. However, please note that the church closes at 5pm and therefore participants in the 4pm tour will not have time enough to do that May be operated by a multi-lingual guide (English/Italian) The Procuratoria di San Marco reserves the right to PROHIBIT VISITS and access to the basilica at any time and without notice for reasons of force majeure (e.g. high water) and/or safety reasons In cases of extra liturgical ceremonies, exceptional high tides or other special occasions, access to St Mark's Basilica may not be permitted and therefore the tour will not take place. For reasons of force majeure, the Cappella Zen might be not accessible.
  • 費用說明


    Guided tour Skip the Line access to St Mark’s Basilica Ticket to visit the Golden Pall Access to Zen Chapel (if there is no high water) Access to Treasure Access to Baptistery


    Food and drinks Hotel pickup and drop-off     Gratuities (optional)  


55分評價來自 9 位遊客
  • Joanne D (2015-09-03)5

    Tour was concise with two guides, headsets and full explainations of historical areas of church. Perfect choice.

  • John G (2015-09-01)5

    Excellent guide!

  • Eugene P (2015-09-01)4

    The tour turned out to be very nice. Not having to wait in line was a hugh bonus. However,we were disappointed that our guide gave her talk first in english and then repeated everything in italian. We were led to believe that our group would only be for english speaking visitors.

  • Chris W T (2015-08-25)5

    Astounding, and so different from the other cathedrals we saw anywhere on our trip. The mosaics are just amazing. We learned a good deal on our tour as well. In my opinion, don't leave this one off your itinerary!

  • jlpalbany (2015-08-21)5

    Very hard to find tour guide as there are no signs showing an entrance that is referenced on instructions

  • Tiffany W (2015-08-10)5

    Incredible, getting to go where no one else goes is always a fun thing but what we saw took my breath away. The history, relic and jewels were well worth the money. One thing I would advise, we did the last tour of the day and were not able to say and enjoy the Cathedral because they were closing. I read this in the description but thought the tour would be enough, no way. Try to a tour where you can stay after and just enjoy the Cathedral.

  • William H (2015-07-22)5

    Great tour of an amazing site! Glad we skipped the line and avoided standing out in the hot sun for an hour!

  • Raul P (2015-07-21)5

    Excellent! A must in Venice.

  • Mark S (2015-07-15)5

    Lovely - Our guide was knowledgeable and kind. We were enthralled to see the Cathedral it was our second time and to see several normally inaccessible areas. I was disappointed that we were not able to see the crypt this time...

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