


Mount Etna and Alcantara Gorges Day Trip with Circumetnea Railway Ride

$51.73 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Taormina遊玩時間:10 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    Meet your host in Taormina and travel by air-conditioned coach to Alcantara Gorges, a series of deep incisions in the cliffs around the Alcantara River. Pay your entrance fee, and then explore the park and admire the gorges, created after a series of ancient volcanic eruptions.
    Return to your coach and travel to the small town of Randazzo. Then, head to Circumetnea Railway, a private train station that operates a 1950s-era train around Mount Etna. Take a seat aboard the delightfully old-fashioned train, and relax as it weaves its way around the entire circumference of the volcano. The route offers unique views of the volcano with valley vineyards and flower-frescoed meadows to one side and old lava fields of Mount Etna on the other.
    After an hour on the train, disembark and swap back to your coach. Travel to Etna south station, at an altitude of 6,234 feet (1,900 meters), and enjoy free time to hike the trails in the foothills at leisure. Grab a snack at the station’s cafe (own expense) and ask your host for hiking trail recommendations; sturdy walking shoes are recommended.
    Optional upgrade to ascend by cable car up to 2,500 meters and continuing on board jeeps up to the authorized crater zones at approximately 3,000 meters with the assistance of licensed guides of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club); stop to admire the eventual activity of the upper craters in a safety zones according to weather conditions
    Board your coach at the pre-arranged time, and then travel back to the start point in Taormina.
    Please note: During winter months (November to March), the tour travels from Randazzo to Etna south station by bus, not train. A visit of