


10-Night Italy Tour: Rome, Florence, Venice and Sorrento

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城市:Rome遊玩時間:11 days


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Comprehensive tour by bus/coach

Multi-Day Trip

Breakfast included

Dinner included

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    Day 1: Rome

    Stop At: Piazza Venezia, Rome, Lazio
    ROME, Caput Mundi during the Roman Empire, capital of Italy since 1870, home of the Catholic Church and the Italian government. Rome is today the biggest and most populous city of Italy. he Basilica of St. Francis has been defined as an extraordinary example of an architectonic complex that has heavily influenced the development of art and architecture.
    Duration: 35 minutes

    No meals included on this day.
    No accommodation included on this day.

    Day 2: Rome-Assisi-Siena-Florence

    Stop At: Basilica Papale e Sacro Convento di San Francesco d'Assisi, Assisi, Province of Perugia, Umbria
    A holy city for Christians, Assisi is an eternal destination for pilgrims wanting to the see the places where Saint Francis was born, where he worked, and where he died. Together with almost all its surrounding territory, Assisi was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the year 2000.
    Duration: 30 minutes

    Stop At: Piazza del Campo, Siena, Tuscany
    Siena is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    This piazza is the heart of Siena. This site revolutionised the idea of the medieval Italian piazza, having no spatial restrictions or conventional shape nor any symbolic balance of secular and religious power. Il Palio di siena ? una secolare celebrazione, una competizione tra le Contrade di Siena, e ha origini antichissime: pensate che alcuni regolamenti, tutt’ora validi, risalgono al 1644, anno in cui venne corso il primo palio con i cavalli.
    Duration: 30 minutes

    Stop At: Ponte Vecchio, Florence, Tuscany
    The evening is a great time to explore Florentine nightlife. Oltrarno, the other side of the Arno, is a great place to walk off your dinner.
    Duration: 2 hours

    Stop At: Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pisa, Province of Pisa, Tuscany
    The leaning tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, in the famous Piazza del Duomo of which it is the most famous monument because of the characteristic slope, symbol of the city and among the iconic symbols of Italy.
    Duration: 25 minutes

    No meals included on this day.
    No accommodation included on this day.

    Day 3: Florence

    Stop At: Duomo - Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Tuscany
    Florence, the capital of Tuscany, hosts many masterpieces of Renaissance art and architecture. One of the most famous places is the Duomo, the cathedral with a tiled dome designed by Brunelleschi and Giotto's bell tower.
    Duration: 35 minutes

    Stop At: Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Tuscany
    Piazza della Signoria has a L-shaped, it is the central square of Florence, the seat of civil power and the heart of the social life of the city. Palazzo Vecchio is the seat of the Municipality. It represents the best synthesis of the fourteenth century civic town architecture and is one of the most famous civic buildings in the world.
    Duration: 30 minutes

    Stop At: Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pisa, Province of Pisa, Tuscany
    The leaning tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, in the famous Piazza del Duomo of which it is the most famous monument because of the characteristic slope, symbol of the city and among the iconic symbols of Italy.

    Duration: 30 minutes

    No meals included on this day.
    No accommodation included on this day.

    Day 4: Florence-Bologna-Padua-Venice

    Stop At: Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, Province of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna
    Bologna is the lively and ancient capital of Emilia-Romagna. Piazza Maggiore is a large square surrounded by arcades, bars, shops and medieval and Renaissance structures such as Palazzo d'Accursio, the Fountain of Neptune and the Basilica of San Petronio.
    Bologna has several nicknames  la dotta (the learned) and la rossa (the red, for its leftwing politics) - but it is la grassa (the fat) that’s perhaps the most fitting. Food is a very big deal here.
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Stop At: The Basilica of St. Anthony
    Known by the Paduan as "the Saint", it is one of the largest churches in the world and is visited annually by over 6.5 million pilgrims, making it one of the most revered shrines in the Christian world
    Duration: 25 minutes

    Stop At: Grand Canal
    While Venice's splendid decay is undeniably charming by day, it's especially memorable after dark. Near the end of the day, the stifling crowds thin out as hordes of day tourists retreat to their cruise ships and mainland hotels. Then, as the sun goes down, a cool breeze blows in from the lagoon, the lanterns come on, the peeling plaster glows in the moonlight, and Venice resumes its position as Europe's most romantic city.
    Duration: 2 hours

    No meals included on this day.
    No accommodation included on this day.

    Day 5: Venice

    Stop At: Basilica di San Marco, Veneto
    Venice is nestled on more than 100 small islands within a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea. In this city there are no roads but canals, including the Grand Canal, flanked by Renaissance and Gothic palaces. On the central square, Piazza San Marco, stands the Basilica of San Marco, enriched by Byzantine mosaics, and the bell tower of San Marco, from which you can admire the red roofs of the city.
    Duration: 1 hour

    Stop At: Doge's Palace
    The Doge's Palace was the seat of the Doge, one of the symbols of the city of Venice and a masterpiece of Venetian Gothic. The view from the Bridge of Sighs was the last view of Venice that convicts saw before their imprisonment. he bridge's name, given by Lord Byron as a translation from the Italian "Ponte dei sospiri" in the 19th century, comes from the suggestion that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window before being taken down to their cells
    Duration: 5 hours

    No meals included on this day.
    No accommodation included on this day.

    Day 6: Venice-Montepulciano-Rome

    Stop At: Piazza Grande a Montepulciano, Montepulciano, Tuscany
    Montepulciano is a medieval town in the hills of Tuscany, in Italy. Surrounded by vineyards, it is known for its red Nobile wine. The Pulcinella Tower is a clock tower surmounted by Pulcinella, one of the figures of the commedia dell'arte. Piazza Grande houses the 14th-century Palazzo Comunale, with a tower that offers a view of the surrounding countryside.
    Duration: 3 hours

    No meals included on this day.
    No accommodation included on this day.

    Day 7: Rome

    Stop At: Vatican Museums, Vatican City, Lazio
    The Vatican Museums ) are Christian and art museums located within the city boundaries of the Vatican City. They display works including several of the most renowned Roman sculptures and most important masterpieces of Renaissance art in the world. The museums contain roughly 70,000 works.
    Duration: 1 hour

    Stop At: Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Lazio
    Today it is the site of the Papal conclave, the process by which a new pope is selected. The fame of the Sistine Chapel lies mainly in the frescos that decorate the interior, and most particularly the Sistine Chapel ceiling and The Last Judgment by Michelangelo.
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Stop At: St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Lazio
    The grandeur of the seventeenth-century fa