


Small-Group Tour: Colosseum Underground

$136.78 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Rome遊玩時間:4 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



Skip the line

All entrance fees included

Informative, friendly and professional guide

Small-group tour

  • 產品詳情


    Begin your tour at the Colosseum. Follow your guide into the ancient structure's Undergrounds, where gladiators could once hear the cheering of the crowd. See the newly constructed timber elevator for a glimpse at how the Romans hoisted animals up to the arena level. There were 28 of these elevators in the Colosseum, each powered by eight people. During this part of the tour your will walk on the fight arena where gladiators once fought.
    Afterward, follow your guide to the Roman Forum, the center of life in Ancient Rome where people conducted business, sought justice, and discussed politics and philosophy. Off the Via Sacra — the street diving the Forum — visit the altar where Caesar was cremated.