


Sydney Tower Eye

$21.13 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Sydney遊玩時間:30 days


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



Instant Confirmation

Enjoy fantastic aerial views

All entrance fees included

Family friendly

  • 產品詳情


    Sydney Tower Eye provides unsurpassed, birds-eye views in all directions over Sydney and its world-famous harbor. The lofty turret is so high, visitors can see ships at sea approaching Sydney two hours before someone on the beach, and watch planes touchdown at Sydney Airport 10 kilometers away. It takes just 40 seconds to be whisked in high-speed double-decker lifts from downtown Sydney to the tower's observation deck suspended high above the city. Marvel at the view with the use of free telescopes. With both day and night viewing available, there's simply no better place to experience the beauty of one of the world's most picturesque cities.
    Your ticket also includes a visit to the 4D Cinema Experience, the first 4D movie produced entirely in Australia. An amazing flight through Sydney, taking in the sights and sounds of this incredible harbor city.
    Why not combine your Sydney Tower Eye with up to 4 of Sydney's top attractions by purchasing a Combination Ticket. The attractions do not need to visited on the same day as the Combination Ticket is valid for one month from the entry date of the first attraction visited
    " WILD LIFE Sydney - next door to the SEA LIFE Sydney aquarium , WILD LIFE Sydney is home to the largest variety of Australian flora and fauna. Pat a koala and watch the keepers feed the animals.
    " SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium - SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium has the world's largest Great Barrier Reef exhibit. Walk through the awe inspiring Open Ocean Oceanarium, home to huge stingrays, large shoals of fish and impressive array of sharks.
    " Madame Tussauds