


Lamington National Park Hiking Tour from the Gold Coast: Picnic Rock or Box Forest Falls

$94.00 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Gold Coast遊玩時間:1 day


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    A minivan picks you up at your hotel for a scenic drive to Lamington National Park, located 27 miles (45 km) inland from the Gold Coast. During the 50-minute ride, look for views of Mt Lindsay and Mt Barney.
    When you get to the park, enjoy a break to fuel up on snacks (be sure to bring your own) before your selected hike, as your guide explains the route and provides a few safety instructions. In the Itinerary section below, you can read more about the hiking options.
    No matter what route you take, expect to walk through Lamington's cool, damp rainforests filled with ferns, pines and flowering plants — remnants of ancient Gondwanan forests that once covered the Australian continent.
    In the early afternoon, both tour options stop at O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat for lunch (at own expense).
    After lunch, you'll have some free time to feed the birds, shop in the gift shop, or just enjoy the scenery in the heart of the national park. From there, rest up on the return drive back down the mountain, and out to the Gold Coast to be dropped off at your hotel.
  • 行程概要


    Selected Gold Coast hotels





    Picnic Rock and Elabana Falls: 4.2 miles (6.7 km)The walking track on this moderate walk is graded, but fairly easy. You’ll wind down through an emerald landscape of Queensland brush box and strangler figs, arriving at superb views of the waterfalls near Picnic Rock.
    A 10-minute detour takes you down to Elabana Falls where you can scramble over some boulders for an even better view of the cascade. After watching the water show and snapping a few pics, follow your guide back up the track with a steady, but gentle, incline.
    Arrive at O'Reilly's Tree Top Walk, the first attraction of its kind in Australia, and stroll along a series of suspension bridges some 65 feet (20 meters) above the forest floor. The walk showcases some sweeping views of the McPherson Range and the rainforest canopy.
    Box Forest Falls 6.8 miles (11km)This moderate hike is a spectacular experience. The walking track is graded in most parts, there are some rocks to climb, but it's not hard. Head out with your guide on the Border Track then turning down towards Box Forest falls taking in the breathtaking giant Brush Box trees, waterfalls and cascades that follow this track. Morning tea at a peaceful waterhole by the Toolona creek, another few minutes and we arrive at the stunning Box Forest Waterfall. Keep an eye out for blue Lamington crayfish, which are only found on the Lamington & Springbrook Plateau. Back at O'Reillys enjoy the Tree Top Walk before you head back to the Gold Coast.


  • 預訂須知


    1. 訂購成功後,我們會通過E-Mail將[電子票(Voucher)]傳送到您的Email,您也可以登入會員中心,在訂單詳情中檢視[電子票(Voucher)]。 2. 請在旅行當日攜帶確認的?電子票(Voucher)?和有效身份證件到指定地點參加活動。 3. [電子票(voucher)]包含了產品使用方式、服務聯絡電話等重要資訊,請仔細閱讀。 4. 如預訂成功後,在48小時內沒有收到[電子票(voucher)]的郵件,請撥打電話聯絡我們的客服。




    Confirmation will be received at time of booking Operates in all weather conditions, please dress appropriately Please advise any specific dietary requirements at time of booking Please wear closed-toe shoes, suitable for walking Please bring a jacket, sunscreen and insect repellent A moderate level of fitness is required Restrooms are available at the trailhead This experience requires a minimum number of travelers. If it’s canceled because the minimum isn’t met, you’ll be offered a different date/experience or a full refund
  • 費用說明


    Local guide Transport by air-conditioned minivan Hotel/port pickup and drop-off Entry/Admission - Lamington National Park


    Food and drinks


55分評價來自 8 位遊客
  • tn802114 (2018-08-13)5

    The tour guide was super nice, the views are fabulous. I love it!!!!! We took a walk on the rocks along the brook, that's an unforgettable experience.

  • Sean E (2017-10-28)5

    This was a great experience. Our guide was very knowledgeable about the local plants and animals, and she had great enthusiasm for sharing her knowledge with us. Lamington Park is beautiful and not too far from Broadbeach where we were staying. Hike was long enough for a good workout but not so long as to be exhausting. Highly recommend this to anyone who wants to see the rainforest.

  • brenda861031 (2017-08-12)5

    I had a extremely great time during this trip. The scene and wildlife are fantastic. I strongly recommend people can visit there to relax and get closer to nature. The tour guide also is lovely and professional, and I learn a lot in this trip.

  • noor.casula (2017-03-08)5

    Excellent trip with wonderful guide, would definitely recommend it

  • Audra K (2017-03-07)5

    My favorite part of this tour was Kaylene, she has had such anot amazing life and I loved hearing her stories! The hike isn't hard, just a slight uphill on the way back. It's very pretty, especially the waterfall, and I absolutely loved seeing the wildlife! So glad I went on this tour!

  • Katherine P (2016-08-21)5

    I had the most magical time walking through Lamington NP for my final day in Gold Coast. I loved the waterfalls and had a great guide in Kaylene. I could not have asked for a better excursion and I will recommend her company to any of my friends who plan to visit the area.

  • Katherine P (2016-08-21)5

    I had the most magical time walking through Lamington NP for my final day in Gold Coast. I loved the waterfalls and had a great guide in Kaylene. I could not have asked for a better excursion and I will recommend her company to any of my friends who plan to visit the area.

  • Denise (2016-07-12)5

    the guide is helpful and friendly. I enjoy the hiking very much.

  • Eustaquio S (2015-12-30)5

    My family and I had a very enjoyable tour organised by Rainforest Tours Australia. The hike through the rainforest was awesome culminating in a most beautiful Elabana falls. The 6KM walk is suitable for all ages, even my 5 year old son did it.

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