


The New Classic San Francisco Bike Tour

$74.00 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:San Francisco遊玩時間:4 hours 30 minutes


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    On this bike tour you will learn how SF has been shaped by waves of settlers, from Spanish missionaries to Silicon Valley techies, each redefining the city in its own way. Join us as we pedal past dazzling murals, Victorian row houses, famous viewpoints, thriving commercial districts, and gems of Golden Gate Park. You’ll come away with new perspectives on the city, and you’ll have plenty of ideas about where to go next.

    But what about the hills? We’ve minimized the hills and use the gentlest ascents possible. The route is designed for anyone comfortable on a bike with a modest level of fitness. We don’t stop for lunch on this tour, but we do include a snack stop.

    Neighborhoods visited:
    Hayes Valley, Alamo Square, Nopa, Golden Gate Park, Haight-Ashbury, Lower Haight, the Castro, the Mission, Civic Center.