


Universal Studios Hollywood and Movie Stars' Homes Tour

$191.00 起價說明 實時確認說明

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城市:Los Angeles遊玩時間:9 hours 30 minutes


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    Movie Stars' Homes Tour
    See where the stars live, shop and hang out in L.A.'s secluded hills and on Beverly Hills' stately streets reside some of the world's best known celebrities.
    You will see the mansions of today's superstars, including Nicolas Cage, Phil Collins, Diana Ross, Steve Martin, Harrison Ford, Johnny Carson, Richard Gere, Barbara Streisand, Eddie Murphy, Michael Douglas, the Playboy Mansion, Tori and Aaron Spelling, Peter Falk and dozens more.
    You will also see the homes of Hollywood's legends, including Lucille Ball, Jimmy Stewart, Marilyn Monroe and Fred Astaire as well as the exclusive "Pink Palace", the Beverly Hills Hotel, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Rodeo Drive, the Sunset Strip, the Hollywood Sign and all those other sights that define the lifestyles of the rich and famous!
    Universal Studios Hollywood
    " Go behind the scenes on the world famous Studio Tour to explore where Hollywood movies are made
    " Face action head-on in heart-pounding rides, shows and attractions that put you inside some of the world’s biggest movies
    " Be part of the battle as you embark on a mission to defend the Allspark from the evil clutches of the Decepticons