


拉斯維加斯 “最好的不在場證明”秀

$64.99 起價說明 實時確認說明

此起價為根據基礎套餐裡的推薦出行人數核算而來,產品價格根據您所選的遊玩日期和出現人數及所選擇的門票類型的不同而有所變動。 預訂成功後,將實時為您確認訂單,您可登入會員中心檢視訂單狀態及電子票;部分特殊產品需要二次確認的,在您下單後客服會盡快為您確認訂單,請保持電話暢通。

城市:拉斯維加斯遊玩時間:2 小時15 分鐘


憑證:電子票退改政策: 可以退改



  • 產品詳情


    The day before your Las Vegas outdoor theater experience begins, you’ll receive a secret text message that reveals your first meeting location, somewhere around the Fremont Street Experience, a revamped historic neighborhood off the Strip. You might have seen shows in Vegas, but you’ve never been in one before, at least not like this one, which brings the theater to the streets and makes you a central character of the play.

    Meet the first actor and comedian at the initial stop. Get to know each other, crack jokes, and gather clues about your next stop, as the performance is also part scavenger hunt. Enjoy a delicious lunch at an award-winning downtown restaurant midway through the day. That man across the street — is he just a regular bystander, or part of the show? You’ll find out as the day and the story line progress and reality and performance are blurred.

    Stop for breaks along the way at two local bars (one drink at each bar is included). Guess with your group about how you think the story will end as you work through the plot. Soon you’ll reach the grand finale — will you guess what it is beforehand? Find out!
  • 行程概要


    Downtown Las Vegas




    Tour concludes within a 2 minute walk of starting location 詳細的出發地點,時間請參考電子票(Voucher)中的詳細介紹


  • 預訂須知


    1. 訂購成功後,我們會通過E-Mail將[電子票(Voucher)]傳送到您的Email,您也可以登入會員中心,在訂單詳情中檢視[電子票(Voucher)]。 2. 請在旅行當日攜帶確認的?電子票(Voucher)?和有效身份證件到指定地點參加活動。 3. [電子票(voucher)]包含了產品使用方式、服務聯絡電話等重要資訊,請仔細閱讀。 4. 如預訂成功後,在48小時內沒有收到[電子票(voucher)]的郵件,請撥打電話聯絡我們的客服。




    Confirmation will be received at the time of booking This tour is wheelchair accessible Adult pricing applies to all travelers Total walking distance is just under 1 mile (approx. 1.6 km)
  • 費用說明


    Scavenger hunt Lunch Two (2) beverages


    Gratuities (optional) Hotel pickup and drop-off Additional food and beverage (outside what is provided on tour)


55分評價來自 8 位遊客
  • carol (2015-08-31)5

    Our family loved this. It was a great way to start our Freemont Experience during our mini-vacation getaway to Las Vegas. This activity was suited to us because we were not interested in gambling or drinking the entire time we were in Las Vegas - in fact we did not gamble or drink very much at all. It was great to get downtown to Freemont, walk around seeing things while assisting Mastermind and just enjoying being together as a family, sharing laughs.

  • Bruce B (2015-07-16)4

    Great time, chance to meet some people and spend some time, This is definitely something to do.

  • Erik S (2015-07-06)5

    It was a great way to spend a few hours, different from most activities in Vegas, saw parts of Fremont that we would not have normally gone. would recommend it to anyone going to Vegas

  • Gisele M (2015-06-01)5

    This tour was amazing!

  • Adam P (2015-05-04)5

    The actors fully committed to the show and that made it the best part of our vacation. Thanks!

  • Gilbert H (2015-05-04)5

    One of the best activities we did in Vegas. It is really a must do if your in Vegas

  • Eileen M (2015-05-04)5

    Thoroughly enjoyed this. Wasn't sure what to expect but had a lot. Fun.

  • dean W (2015-03-17)5

    This is so hard to describe without giving the details away. Its sort of like a scavenger hunt, combined with amazing food, lots of drinks, and most importantly some really funny actors who kept us entertained throughout the entire two and a half hours we were there. It's a completely different concept from anything we have done before, and we thought it was a bargain considering what other shows and activities cost in Vegas. It truly is non-stop entertainment and we can't stop telling all of our friends about it. So glad we came across this on Viator.

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