


Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition at the Luxor Hotel and Casino

$35.00 起價說明 實時確認說明

此起價為根據基礎套餐裡的推薦出行人數核算而來,產品價格根據您所選的遊玩日期和出現人數及所選擇的門票類型的不同而有所變動。 預訂成功後,將實時為您確認訂單,您可登入會員中心檢視訂單狀態及電子票;部分特殊產品需要二次確認的,在您下單後客服會盡快為您確認訂單,請保持電話暢通。

城市:Las Vegas遊玩時間:12 hours


憑證:VOUCHER_E退改政策: 不能退改



All entrance fees included

Family friendly

Instant Confirmation

  • 產品詳情


    Head to the Luxor Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, and use your admission ticket anytime during the long open hours of Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition. Then immerse yourself in the dramatic, poignant history of the doomed luxury ocean liner, once thought to be unsinkable. Viewed by millions of people all over the world, this moving exhibition contains 250 authentic artifacts recovered from the wreckage of the ship after it struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean and sunk during its 1912 maiden voyage.
    See recovered items including luggage, jewelry, china, ship's whistles, floor tiles, an unopened bottle of Champagne and a huge section of the ship's hull. Explore replicas of the first- and third-class cabins — complete with furnishings from the original manufacturers — and the ship's Grand Staircase.
    Through educational displays, learn about the construction of the luxury ship; the series of events that led to its destruction; and the personal stories of the men, women and children who were aboard. Less than half of them survived when the Titanic sank.
    Explore this fascinating, memorable exhibit at your own pace, and learn the true story of what happened to this most famous of ships that long-ago spring night.
  • 行程概要


    The Luxor Hotel and Casino


    10am to 10pm, last admission is 1 hour prior to closing time

    Please note, hours of operation are subject to change without notice. It is advised that you reconfirm hours of operation prior to your date of travel




  • 預訂須知


    1. 訂購成功後,我們會通過E-Mail將[電子票(Voucher)]傳送到您的Email,您也可以登入會員中心,在訂單詳情中檢視[電子票(Voucher)]。 2. 請在旅行當日攜帶確認的?電子票(Voucher)?和有效身份證件到指定地點參加活動。 3. [電子票(voucher)]包含了產品使用方式、服務聯絡電話等重要資訊,請仔細閱讀。 4. 如預訂成功後,在48小時內沒有收到[電子票(voucher)]的郵件,請撥打電話聯絡我們的客服。




    Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • 費用說明


    Entry/Admission - Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition


    Hotel pickup and drop-off Parking/Valet fees


55分評價來自 10 位遊客
  • shemmo35 (2018-02-11)4

    Loved this exhibit. Great insight into the building of the ship and the events surrounding the unfortunate tragedy. Actual artifacts on display. You even get a chance to see whether you survived from the card given to you at the start!

  • Jane B (2018-01-25)5

    Really good

  • Kelly M (2017-12-27)5

    Loved this experience.

  • Suzanne O (2017-12-03)4

    Didnt see why we couldnt take photos without a flash yet let young children in who were allowed to run about and shout and ruin any ambience there was. Maybe says on ticket that you arent allowed to take photos but I wasnt aware of it and as I wanted to show my daughter who bought me my ticket I was a bit disappointed.
    That ruined it a little for me but still managed to spend over an hour there looking at all the exhibits and despite that I would recommend to others.

  • Jessica G (2017-10-20)5

    The Titanic exhibition was amazing would recommend this tour

  • TamC (2017-09-25)4

    Interesting and well thought out exhibition, worth a look if you are interested in the history of the Titanic. The stories of how people did or didn't end up on the ship surprised me, very much, sliding doors moments.

  • GIlbo (2017-09-12)5

    I was so glad I took the time to see this amazing exhibition. Well laid out and respectfully presented. My children were enthralled and we all were amazed at the sheer number of artefacts that had been recovered and painstakingly restored. There are a couple of mock ups, which truly add to the experience. This is tour is highly recommended.

  • Thick (2017-08-13)5

    If your a Titanic fan, this is an exhibition that can't be missed. GREAT!!!

  • aaront11 (2017-08-04)5

    very good

  • yvoall38 (2017-07-02)5

    Well worth a visit if you are interested in Titanic

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