總體滿意度: 98% 已有17人評分(滿分100%)
行程 96% (16人滿意)
導遊 100% (17人滿意)
訂購 99% (17人滿意)
lu *** (2016年12月23日) 滿意度: 100 %
此次美東七日遊十分滿意,雖然時間緊迫但景點都遊玩到了,導遊Estela Xu十分耐心友好,不強制消費,講解也十分細緻,雖然不包三餐,但是每到一個地方,導遊Estela 都會 提醒我們買好第二天的早餐,還會告訴我們在哪裡買,哪裡有大型超市。司機Allen哥人也很熱心,每天起早,還幫忙放行李,車上空調十分暖和,外面很冷回車裡啥也不怕了暖氣足。總之司機 導遊 完美配合,我和我的小夥伴都很滿意。(組號EMJ1)推薦這個團。永遠的記憶。
Hardy *** (2016年12月21日) 滿意度: 93 %
Tour was good. Time was nicely managed. Accommodations provided was also very good. Only problem was food once, they stooped at Chinese buffet. And there was no other option available. So we forcefully had Chinese food. Otherwise it was a pretty good experience.
Victo *** (2016年09月24日) 滿意度: 100 %
此次美東之旅,一切都很滿意,想去的地方一一到達,由於是一個人和其他三陌生人拼團,本以為會忐忑,枯燥,而事實上大家就像久別重逢的朋友,七天結束後,真正到了離別之際,竟然還有點不捨大家,每一個你,還有,導遊佳俊同學也很有耐心,人也很nice, 很愛笑的陽光大男生,行程安排也很到位,不強制消費,也會在餐點帶大家到某地就餐,細心周到.....唯一覺得心累的就是每天需要換到不同的飯店&#127976;,搬執行李是每天最頭疼的事,但司機大叔也會很熱心的幫忙~
Corne *** (2016年08月01日) 滿意度: 100 %
Highly recommended. Even though the visiting pace might be way too fast in which I did not have enough time to visit some of my personal favorite locations, The tour guide is exceptionally experienced, awesome transportation comfort. Otherwise, it was one hell of an interesting experience.
Fitch *** (2016年05月09日) 滿意度: 100 %
We really enjoyed taking 7 days New York - Philadelphia - Washington DC tour. Our guide Michael was very good and cooperative. Driver Simon was very skilled in driving and knowledgeable about the areas. I truly recommend the tours.