總體滿意度: 100% 已有9人評分(滿分100%)
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刑軍 * (2017年08月21日) 滿意度: 100 %
本次行程導遊Sam工作認真、負責,有專業操守,服務細緻,為人熱情、踏實,帶給我們一次很好的旅行體驗,值得稱讚!!!另外,司機師傅技術嫻熟,駕駛安全,也值得表揚! 美東RW2 邢軍、孫笑可 2017.8.21
李君 * (2017年08月17日) 滿意度: 100 %
導遊耐心、細緻、穩重,我非常滿意! 李君祥 8/17/2017
Riza *** (2017年08月01日) 滿意度: 100 %
First of all, I would like to say that you really really have a bouncy and good hair. Thank you for always making more that we are all safe and complete,for always assisting us,for always translating two languages ( I know its hard,only infeligent people can do that while standing and still lookng pretty.)Your service was really a 10 star! Keep it up! You're really doing a great job because you made us as friends and unite. Again, thank you for a commendable service to the best tour guide ever,we love you! Don't hesitate to contact us when quire in the Phils . My oh my!You are really definitely the greatest and mightiest driver, thank you for always making us safe. Thank you for driving us safety in and out of every state. We ”solute” you in every way. Thank you for always pulling our luggage service was a 10 star! You are definitely one of a kind. The greatest driver in the world! Don’t hesitate to contact us when you’re in the Phils . Thank you so much again. And we love you!!! Rize, Aqve and Eknie
李海 * (2017年07月26日) 滿意度: 100 %
黃導非常帥氣,中文英文都OK,待人很和氣,服務也很精通,非常辛苦,司機也很好,駕駛技術好,總體來說,我們非常滿意。 WC6 李海 2017.7.26
wc1 *** (2017年07月26日) 滿意度: 100 %
真謝謝Jackey Lin 導遊從7/21~26日這幾天細心、體貼的照顧中巴上15個來自不同地方的旅客,尤其是我們這對老夫婦。 雖然導遊的國語並不那麼正確,但卻成為今後我們想念他的一股魅力。他的務實,親切,讓我們度過了愉快的時光,再度謝謝! WC1