總體滿意度: 100% 已有51人評分(滿分100%)
行程 100% (51人滿意)
導遊 100% (51人滿意)
訂購 100% (51人滿意)
Jiang *** (2024年11月22日) 滿意度: 100 %
Jiang *** (2024年11月22日) 滿意度: 100 %
Shen *** (2024年08月14日) 滿意度: 100 %
我們參加了美東六日遊,接待我們的是@Benny 陳導。陳導對整個團熱忱,周到,耐心。特別是把我們直接送到紐瓦克機場C號航站樓3樓2號門,讓我們及時坐上了飛往西雅圖的航班沒有誤機,非常感謝陳導和司機師傅。再次感謝走四方旅遊公司,這次美東遊陳導的熱心服務讓我們在異國他鄉倍感溫暖和舒適。
zhaob *** (2024年06月27日) 滿意度: 100 %
熊雄 * (2024年06月10日) 滿意度: 93 %
I recently returned from a 5-day tour with Jason as our guide, exploring iconic destinations in the Northeast. We visited New York City, D.C., Philadelphia, Watkins Glen State Park, Niagara Falls, and Boston. While Jason was an excellent guide - kind, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic - there were some aspects of the trip that could be improved. Pros: Jason's expertise and passion for the cities we visited made for engaging and informative commentary throughout the trip. The tour covered a great deal of ground, giving us a taste of the region's diversity. Cons: The trip spent an good amount of time on the road, leaving some of us feeling fatigued. We visited numerous paid attractions, which added up quickly. The food options provided could be improved, with more variety and local flavor. Overall: While Jason was an excellent guide, the tour could benefit from some adjustments to strike a better balance between travel time, free exploration, and more authentic experiences. Nevertheless, I would recommend this tour to those looking for a comprehensive introduction to the Northeast, with the hope that future iterations will address these areas for improvement.