總體滿意度: 98% 已有16人評分(滿分100%)
行程 95% (16人滿意)
導遊 100% (16人滿意)
訂購 99% (16人滿意)
Kelle *** (2017年06月02日) 滿意度: 100 %
領隊:Sammy LIN 旅遊是一種經驗,一種學習。為什麼要跟團呢?無非是藉由領隊的經驗與專業,讓我們能夠玩得更盡興。領隊Sammy是一個對風趣幽默,對工作有熱情,照顧團友很細心與體貼,對景點介紹非常詳盡,是一位非常有經驗的領隊導遊。我們對時間安排與行程也非常滿意。我們看到Sammy也是公平與盡心的對待每一位團員,對有些團員不明白的地方,也會很有耐心的給他們解答。每天都會用他的專業帶著我們去遊玩,和用自己的方法讓每位團員都會嚴守集合的時間。在最浪漫的Quebec,因為我不滿意之前拍的照片,為了不讓我們留下遺憾,Sammy還特意安排時間陪我們再回那地方重新拍照,我相信Sammy是用心去對待每一位團友。我認為專業與熱誠是領隊的重要特質, 很幸運我們在這次美加之旅上能夠遇到Sammy這樣一個合格的領隊,讓我們這趟旅行可以畫上一個完美的句號。如果以後再有機會遊美加,我希望還是Sammy Lin做我們的領隊,當然我也會將他推薦給我的朋友。How lucky we have Sammy as this tour guide!!!
Becky *** (2017年06月02日) 滿意度: 100 %
We have just finished our 8 days East USA+CANADA this afternoon and we thank you for all your help in organising every details we need for this trip. We would like to forward our feedback to you re. our tour guide Sophia Liu and bus driver~ Rodly's professional skills, knowledge and experience in guiding this tour so our trip could be a great enjoyment and many sweet memory created during this trip! We especially thank Sophia for her tender care, patience and detailed explanation about the whole tour information and also her kind heart to do her best to meet all our needs or requests for this tour. And Rodly has been a lovely bus driver with great sense of humour and always do his best to take all tour members on a clean tidy bus with bus toilet available for us everyday...even knowing that might caused extra trouble for himself to do the toilet cleaning... And he woke up early just to warm up the bus temperature for the early start of each day morning so we don't need to suffer from the freezing coldness in the early morning. It's just touching to see them both willing to do the extra bit for us... Thank you all for everything and please let their travel company aware of our kind feedback, thank you very much! Kind regards, Becky & Tony Lee
Xing *** (2016年09月14日) 滿意度: 100 %
我的導遊Karen Li非常熱情,大方,細心,我覺得她就是一道靚麗風景線!她不僅有女神級的容顏,更有比尼加拉大瀑布更寬廣的胸懷。她是集完美於一身的天使。 C8組
曉嶽 * (2016年01月09日) 滿意度: 100 %
曉嶽 * (2016年01月09日) 滿意度: 100 %
從香港來到美國,參加美國加拿大8日遊,行程很緊湊,基本把美國加拿大著名景點玩一遍,我們導遊Sophia Liu美麗大方,對客人親切,英文流利,對老人家也好。我們還玩了多倫多水族館,很震撼。整體很棒。