总体满意度: 100% 已有24人评分(满分100%)
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何明 * (2017年08月14日) 满意度: 100 %
小潘同志对工作热情、认真、负责,对团友如亲人,五组四人为你点赞,帅!帅!帅! 团友:何明生、帅桂玲、唐焕喜、方文英 2017.8.14
Jason *** (2017年08月13日) 满意度: 100 %
We had excellent trip. Thanks to our tour guide Bert Pan. He made sure we covered all the attraction as promised.He explained very well about each location,we enjoyed that he made sure we are not lost while every where we go.Thank you Bert,you did a great job. Jason Jessica Tini August 13,2017
M2 *** (2017年08月06日) 满意度: 100 %
这是一个十分幽默的、帅气的导游,这七天的旅行所到每一个地方都耐心、仔细的讲解,使我们更充分地感受到了这个国家的美和震撼。 五星好评!!! M2 8/26/2017
Lie *** (2017年07月06日) 满意度: 100 %
Thank you for offering us insights and knowledge about the east coast.Wang was an excellent tour guide.He was very friendly and easy to talk to and was genuinely passionate about the tour.Mr. Richard (the driver) is very nice too. The Lie Family 7/6/2017
U10 *** (2017年07月06日) 满意度: 100 %
潘导:Responsible,very informational,humorous,caring.Most important handsome!!!
限时优惠 马上咨询