总体满意度: 100% 已有20人评分(满分100%)
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Jeeno *** (2017年07月19日) 满意度: 100 %
Thank you for a wonderful tour of Niagara & Washington D.C.. It was well managed- from Itinerary, locations & accommodations. Mr. Bert was great in managing the tour thought. He explained each locations & their significance clearly along with extra information. He managed difficult situations like passenger delays, weather problems, etc... Very well, and was very interactive with the tourists. Keeping them comfortable. We are very pleased with the service of Mr. Bert. Hoping to return soon. Thank you! Jeeno Lentin
凌亦 * (2017年06月29日) 满意度: 100 %
这一次华盛顿——大瀑布的旅程非常棒,导游Michelle把行程时间安排得非常好,玩得很充实。感谢导游和司机! 凌亦奇
ED1游 * (2017年06月29日) 满意度: 100 %
Michelle is a very nice tour guide. She is careful and considerate. We like her.
田女 * (2017年06月28日) 满意度: 100 %
本次参与了费城-华盛顿-大瀑布三日游,导游和司机都很专业。行程时间紧凑,导游Allen考虑到天气状况可能赶上阴雨天气,及时调整了行程,使游客们享受到了美丽的瀑布美景和彩虹! 若收费明细能更加清楚,如具体餐费等,就更加完美了。很值得的一次旅行,谢谢! 游客:田女士
黄捷 * (2017年06月14日) 满意度: 100 %
本次导游Sean很负责任,讲解十分到位,非常省心。三天两晚的旅程虽然比较累,但是在Sean的接待下十分开心,该玩的景点一个不落,酒店也不错,对得起这个价格,下次来美国还会选择贵公司。 游客:黄捷 6/14/2017
限时优惠 马上咨询