总体满意度: 100% 已有17人评分(满分100%)
行程 99% (17人满意)
导游 100% (17人满意)
订购 100% (17人满意)
Osbor *** (2016年12月22日) 满意度: 100 %
The tour was excellently organized. Everything went perfectly well. Las Vegas stay was nice - free entry to the Stratosphere Tower was the best part, with the excellent view of the Vegas strip. Highly recommended tour!
Grega *** (2016年12月22日) 满意度: 100 %
Hello, I have recently completed the 7 days Los Angeles / Las Vegas / San Francisco tour. Tour was nicely organized and managed very well. I want to write recommendation for one Guide Stanley. Stanley was excellent guide, provided all information during our tour. We were really happy to spend some time and share knowledge during this trip.
Peter *** (2016年12月22日) 满意度: 93 %
Hello, My family has just recently completed the 7 days Los Angeles / Las Vegas / San Francisco tour. Tour was nicely organized and managed very well. I would highly recommend this trip to all my family and friends. One challenge is for people who are Vegetarian also but then again that is generic everywhere. Overall, highly recommended tour and a good value for money.
披头 * (2016年10月06日) 满意度: 100 %
我的口味比较独特,哈哈哈,在巧克力工厂里面玩嗨了,大概是因为太喜欢巧克力的原因吧。巧克力工厂是为纪念m&m的创始人Ethal Mars 所建,一边看还能一边尝,吃得根本停不下来啊!
Lae *** (2015年10月23日) 满意度: 100 %
这七天分为两个不同的导游,拉斯维加斯一个,旧金山一个,但期间过的都很愉快,没有不适应的。优美胜地自然公园很漂亮,真是宛如仙境般,虽然没有看到灰熊,但不影响我们沉浸在风景中,如果游览时间在长点会更好。旧金山的其他景点也很好,非常有特色。拉斯维加斯住的酒店非常好,豪华很是个性化。看了Jubilee Show,演员很专业,场景很赞,非常精彩。大峡谷名副其实,宏伟壮观,很是让人难忘。遗憾的是这次没有主题公园的行程。总之是一次不错的旅行,很好!
限时优惠 马上咨询