总体满意度: 100% 已有45人评分(满分100%)
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老张 * (2017年08月22日) 满意度: 100 %
导游Sam先生一路上工作非常负责,表现在: (一)虽外宾仅印度一家六口人,但每次先英语介绍一遍,完了再用中文。印度老太腿脚不便,行动缓慢,Sam都耐心等待她,为照顾他家,给了八个座位,把自己座位腾出位置放置他们小孩的车子,并把最前位置让给他们,便利他们上下车。最后在大瀑布看完,在集合时间过了25分钟后,征求大家意见,还要不要等下去,当全体游客一致说“No”后,才决定让司机开车。到了宾馆后,又耐心向他家做解释工作,一直到晚上十点多钟。他家领完房位号后,才去吃饭,这种做法体现中国人民优秀品质,仁至义尽,待客如宾。虽中印当前两国关系有点什么,但两国人民间仍友谊第一的精神,值得表扬,体现不卑不亢、坚持原则精神。 (二)我俩均是实足七十五岁高龄老人,在国内都不许单独旅游,要子女陪同。但Sam先生如同我亲生儿子一样无微不至关心我俩。耳朵有点背的老头听不清楚,总要再问一遍,他也不嫌烦。手机线坏了,无法充电,又用他的充电线为我们充电,消除了我俩的心理恐惧感。 老张 2017.8.22
孙女 * (2017年08月15日) 满意度: 100 %
很高兴参加贵公司东部的旅行团。我们是本次行程2号组家庭,负责我们的导游是小冯。冯导是我们此次美国之行中最认真、负责的导游。工作非常认真,而且很幽默,给我们东部的旅行带来很大的乐趣,很幸运有这样优秀的导游陪我们走过了东部的许多景点。 2号家庭 孙洁玟 2017.8.15
Don *** (2017年08月07日) 满意度: 100 %
My name is Don Vvong,group 12.Issac is a very good tour guide.He did a very good job.He is knowlege about the historical places.Overall, Issac did a great job.We enjoyed the trip very much.Thanks. Don Vvons
郝凤 * (2017年08月04日) 满意度: 100 %
对本次旅游十分满意,尤为张导,对她我们非常感谢!对我们年长人照顾特好!谢谢张导! 游客:郝凤达、张春华
Team * (2017年08月02日) 满意度: 100 %
We are impressed by the Apertise of the tour guide by the name of Gerry. As he provides us informations about the places to be visited, we feel that we're surging the internet. He is so knowledgeable about the history, background and origin of the places we are going to explore. He really did a good job. The six-day tour gave us an avenue to reach the places in United States which we see only in posters ,pictures or movies. We have seen the wonders of God's creation through the Niagara Falls, the serenity of Niagara Fort , the famous Harvard University in Boston, the creativity and artistry of designs Time Square in New york, etc. It's more fun that we're joined the tour under the management of Mr. Gerry. He attends to his services for the good of his customer as well as for our safety, he gave lots of reminders and instruction of we stayed our travel. We solute you Mr. Gerry for the very good sevice.We appreciate it. Thank you so much. Till us meet again. From: TEAM 2 & 3
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